Saturday, August 6, 2016


May was a good month. The weather was amazing, and school was winding down. I believe we took these pictures on Mother's Day.

Me and Adelina. I love this age. She is so much fun and is smiling all the time.

Caterpillars! We planted milkweed hoping that some monarch butterflies would lay eggs. Milkweed is the only kind of plant the caterpillars will eat. We've had gorgeous caterpillars in our front yard for months now. They leave the plant to form the chrysalis, and I haven't found one yet, but I've seen so many caterpillars. They are incredible. I saw one molting one day and was amazed.

Here's one that just hatched, eating its egg. See how tiny it is? Nature is amazing! The don't get their stripes until days later.

Is it required that dads tease their kids with worms? He came after me next.

And our books . . . we have so many books! I started my business with Usborne Books & More at the end of January, and now we have the most amazing home library. Naturally, we needed more shelves, so Jorge got to work. He did an amazing job!

This kid is always busy, and does pretty good at keeping himself amused.

Adelina with her daddy.

 Her hair  is long enough to do now. This was her first ponytail.

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