Sunday, August 7, 2016

Adelina Turned 1!

How is my baby girl 1 already?! Time goes by way too fast these days. 

Adelina is so precious, sweet, affectionate, silly, and has a great sense of humor. She enjoys playing peekaboo, and can say mama, mimis (ni-night), baby, and boo! She is a good sleeper and seems to be transitioning to 1 nap a day. Her smile is contagious, which is great because she smiles a lot!

Here are pictures from when she turned 11 months.

And here she is at 12 months!

It sure is hard to get them to leave those stickers on for pictures!

With a little cake.

We got her a little baby doll for her birthday.

These two patiently waited for some cake.

They really don't stay babies for long.

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