Sunday, August 7, 2016


We've sure enjoyed our unscheduled summer. We had a break from homeschooling, a break from our regular get-togethers with school friends (we actually wanted to continue this but it's been 100 degrees pretty much daily which made running outdoors not very appealing), no Wednesday night church groups for the kids, and no school on Tuesdays for Elena. She did do Vacation Bible School for a week, which she loved and cried about when it was over. And she also continued her weekly art classes and started ballet. 

She's had a good summer. And how is she so big?! We'll be starting up first grade very soon!

And this little one sure loves her daddy.

Here Samuel is playing with a pinball machine we built from a tinkering kit we get each month. This was their favorite one so far.


My kids never fall asleep in random places, so I was really shocked when I found Samuel passed out on the couch.

Of course, summer means some fun times outside, when it's cool enough.

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