Tuesday, August 9, 2016


I haven't been great about taking pictures lately, partly because I'd rather soak in those moments with the kids than take a picture, and other times because I forget. I only took a few pictures of our day at the Santa Barbara Zoo, and this is the only one that came out good. The kids really liked the meerkats and giraffes. Afterward we walked down to the beach. Elena had so much fun, despite not having a bathing suit. It wasn't something we planned on doing, but just seemed too good to pass up. She was soaked, and changed into Jorge's shirt to walk back to the car. 

My girls resemble each other so much! Actually all 3 kids do.

The kids are always building. They have so much fun!

After Elena had a blast in Santa Barbara, we made another trip to the Ventura beach. Samuel had a lot of fun in the sand, and eventually he was brave enough to get his feet wet. Around the rocks he and Jorge found hermit crabs, sea slugs, and anemones. It was so much fun!

This little one hung out with me first, then went with Daddy for awhile. She wanted to stay in my arms almost the whole time, but then fell in love with the sand.

I have a lot of pictures with Adelina because she's with me all the time. She literally crawls up to me and yells "Mama!"

I just love her. Things feel complete with her in our family. And Elena and Samuel just love helping with her and playing with her. We are so blessed.

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