Saturday, August 6, 2016

April in a Nutshell

Trying to catch up on here! Time has really flown by. Here are some memories from April. 

Elena built a piano.

And she insisted on combing Samuel's hair. He doesn't look too pleased here but he did want her to do it. Elena is still my sweetheart. She's caring, compassionate, funny, helpful, and creative.

This kid in all of his craziness. Love him.

He is a sweet boy, totally affectionate, funny, energetic, curious, and kind.

Ernie came down for a day to visit. Samuel talked to him the whole day. It was pretty funny. They talked about fish and fishing, mostly. And when Ernie couldn't find a picture of a fish he caught on his phone, Samuel encouraged him saying, "Just keep trying. Don't give up! Never stop trying. Right, mom?" That's right, kid.

Elena's my little artist. Here, she's drawing a picture from a book on Helen Keller.

One day we went to the Santa Barbara Sea Center. It was so much fun!

Petting a swell shark! This was an amazing experience for Samuel, as he's loved ocean animals for a long time now, especially whales and sharks.

Petting a ray.

Out to eat on the pier afterward, the end to an awesome trip!

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