Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Good Weather

I've been feeling better over the last week. Now I only get nauseous when I haven't eaten in awhile. And what I'm the happiest about is that my food aversions have been dissipating. I actually knew I was pregnant very early on because when I got some chicken out to heat up for Elena, it stunk to me, and I immediately began to suspect it. So I took a pregnancy test, but it was so early that I couldn't really tell for sure if there was a line. I asked Jorge to get me a digital one that would be easy to read, and he brought home one that flashed an hourglass until it was ready, and then it would say "pregnant" or "not pregnant." It said "pregnant." Pretty quickly almost all food smelled bad to me, and it was hard to find something that I could tolerate eating. Now I can eat almost anything, so it's gotten a lot easier.

Anyway, Elena Rose is saying new words all the time. When we take off her shoes we always say "Fuchi!" and wave our hands in front of our face (it's the same as pee-eww). We took off Elena's sock the other day and she waved her hand and said "Fufu!"
 When she's done eating she says "bye" to her food.

We've been enjoying our weather lately. On Saturday it was in the mid-90s here. Early in the day we went to a pond to see some ducks, which Elena loved, but it got pretty hot at the end. We went home and Elena went in her little pool and played while Jorge bathed the dogs. Then on Sunday it was about 20 degrees cooler. We spent a lot of time outside. Elena helped water our tree.

We went on a bike ride and picked up some ice creams.

Elena's been on several walks.

And last week Jorge and Elena watched rats run through the neighbor's trees.

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