I was not expecting to find out the sex of our baby when we went in for
the NT ultrasound (it's an ultrasound that's part of the screening
process). So I was very surprised when the doctor asked me if we wanted
to know. I said yes and he said it looks like a boy. Talk about shock!
All of the babies I was around growing up were girls, and after having a
girl, it's hard to imagine having a boy. It feels a little like unknown
territory for me, but we're very excited. We're narrowed down to a few
names at this point (we started the list when we first found out I was
pregnant), but I have to say that girls are way easier to name
than boys. It just seems like there is a lot more selection, and they're
less common. So our list for girls' names is a lot longer, but I guess we'll just have to set those aside for now.
Here's an ultrasound picture of our little guy. He's always wiggling and moving around a lot during the ultrasounds.

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