Saturday, August 6, 2011


Ah, we are always on our toes! All week I've been unpacking boxes for the garage sale, and we finally had it today. It was a success! The weather was perfect, our driveway was shaded the entire time, and we sold stuff we haven't used in two years. The other plus is that now we'll actually have room to store stuff in our garage! It was tiring since I couldn't go through all the boxes until Elena Rose was asleep, but it was worth it. She got up early with us this morning; people were at our house buying stuff at 6:30! And she was a really good sport through most of it. Everyone always tells us we have such a calm, mellow baby . . . we are really lucky. I'm just glad I can focus on other things now.

RestingElena Rose wants to walk constantly now! Or at least she tries. She takes a few steps then falls forward on her hands, then tries again, and again. She has a lot of determination. She's still getting the hang of it, but pretty soon she's going to be running all over the place!She's so sweet, she was kissing her stuffed dog and then resting her cheek on him.This is after I asked her where her bellybutton is. She has been playing peek-a-boo by putting her arm over her eyes. She now has 4 teeth on top and 4 on the bottom. She is eating a lot more solids now. Today she had several grapes, cherries, watermelon, bread, string cheese, cheddar cheese, pizza crust, chicken tenders, yogurt, milk, and juice. Quite an improvement!

I wanted to put both of these videos to show how fun she is. The first one is of Jorge playing peek-a-boo (a rather aggressive form of the game, she likes to be startled!), and the second is of her practicing her walking skills.

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