Sunday, August 14, 2011

First Boo-Boo and First Bike Ride

Every parent dreads seeing their child in pain. Yesterday Elena Rose was walking and she fell and hit her face on the floor. She hit her top lip and it actually wasn't as bad as it could've been. She cried for a while, but after she woke up from her nap most people wouldn't have even noticed that her lip was swollen. She was fine, though.

This morning Elena Rose and I went to church and watched the service from the Cry Room. I love the Cry Room. The sanctuary is a huge auditorium, and the Cry Room is off to the side on the second floor, with a big glass window for you to watch, and also a screen to see the pastors close up. It's nice because I don't have to worry about her getting fussy, wanting to nurse or eat, stand, etc. And today we had a really good time and both enjoyed the service. She sat in my lap, ate her little cookies and puffs, and loved the music.

This is my latest Craigslist purchase. I've bought so much on Craigslist, including Elena's two birthday presents, her wagon and bouncy horse. Now we have a bike trailer so Jorge and I can actually ride our bikes at the same time! We bought our bikes a long time ago, but then I got a big pregnancy belly and couldn't ride. Then we had the baby, so we couldn't go riding at the same time. Now all 3 of use can go out on the paseos and get some fresh air and sun. We took her out for a short ride to see if she liked it, and she did. We have to get a helmet small enough to fit her little head now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amber! Elena Rose is adorable!! Makes we want to try for a girl!! Just not so I already have two boys!! Thought I'd stop by and say hi!! I'm Liz...Jorge's cousin. Lubias daughter. We've never met. For some reason I'm never told or invited to family functions or events, but its nice to meet you on here!! LOL. Looks like there's a few of us in the family that have been bitten by the blogging bug. I blog too! so does my cousin Gabi (Tia Mildreds daughter) Hope to stay in touch. Lovin' those baby milestones!!!
