Monday, July 25, 2011


Poor Elena Rose, she's sick. I stayed home with her today, and Jorge is staying home with her tomorrow. I took her to Urgent Care on Sunday and found out she has Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, a virus that's going around right now. Apparently it just plays itself out like a cold virus. She had a fever all weekend, and now she has blisters in her mouth and throat, which makes eating and drinking painful. She doesn't have the rash they can get on their hands and feet, thank goodness. She did pretty well today considering her discomfort. We spent a lot of time in the playroom (It's almost finished, I'll post pictures when it's done). She played a little bit, and rested a lot. I gave her a bath, just to break up the day since she was having a hard time. She loves the ball pit that Dora gave her for her birthday, so she spent some time in there.

She's actually smiling here, I only got a few of those today. She loves playing peek-a-boo when she's in there. Peek-a-boo!
Peek-a-boo!She likes pulling the balls out of the holes, and now she'll try to put them back in.Then she would go to her blanket and lay her head on it to rest.Here are some pictures of my baby healthy. Her hair's getting so long!
She loves her gyro bowl, thanks Janice!She loves to stand. This picture was taken as she took her first consecutive steps. So far she's taken 6 baby steps in a row. She really concentrates, it's the cutest thing. I can't wait for my baby to be healthy again, send lots of positive thoughts our way!

1 comment:

  1. Thank You for sharing all the wonderful stories and pictures with me. I do enjoy them.
