Thursday, June 9, 2011

She Knows What She Wants

Elena Rose is getting such a personality! She's so happy and always wants our attention. When I'm holding her and talking on the phone, she'll lean forward so she's right in my face, and she'll just smile at me. She did this to Jorge today when he was talking to Janice with Elena in his arms. The other night she was sitting on Jorge's lap next to me and I opened up a book to read. She starting leaning toward me, with a pacifier in her mouth, just smiling. And she wouldn't look away until I acknowledged her and kissed her, then she would do it again. It was adorable, and after a few times I said, "Okay, Mommy won't read right now!" She also wants to stand up all the time. And she loves her blankets and her baby doll. She has two fuzzy blankets that she likes to snuggle with, but now she likes to have them even when she's not tired. This morning she was crawling, dragging her blanket behind her. She did the same thing yesterday with her doll; I heard "clunk" . . . "clunk" . . . "clunk" . . . and she was crawling, holding on to her doll's arm so she could take it with her. We have so many sweet moments with her.
The other thing she's come to love is balls. We are doing two baby classes right now, a play & learn class and a music class. She has a hard time letting go of the balls during both. So during the play & learn class I just let her hold onto whichever ball she attaches to that day and do everything with it. She goes down the slide holding the ball; she goes under the parachute holding the ball; she sits on a balancing mat holding the ball . . . and she's not interested in too many things that she can't do while holding onto the ball. She has quite a few balls at home, 4 are regular-sized, and my friend just gave us several small plastic ones because she loves those and chases them all over the floor.

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