Saturday, June 18, 2011

New Achievements

Today was a fun day. I took Elena Rose to a birthday party at Gymboree, so she had plenty of playtime with other babies. We got there almost an hour late because she was napping, and I really didn't want her to go without a nap. Her nap was still short though, so she was tired by the end.

She is changing so fast. Even her smile has changed. She stood up today without holding onto anything. I was sitting in front of her and I was scared that if I said anything she would lose her balance. Afterward I clapped for her. She did it a few more times today, and every time she stands without holding onto anything we get super excited and clap. I don't know if she knows why, but we're proud of her regardless!

Her hair has grown a lot, and it's funny because several people have asked if we've cut it. She is just lucky to have hair that is growing really evenly. It's getting long and it's reached her eyes, so I tied it up in a little spout today. I didn't have to move it away from her eyes once.
When I took the tie out, her hair stayed in place.She's always exploring

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