Sunday, June 19, 2011

First Father's Day

Today was Jorge's first Father's Day as a daddy! We had a good day. We went out to breakfast to celebrate. Elena Rose loves her daddy. He was sick Friday and Saturday, and she wanted him to hold her so bad. Every time he walked by her she reached for him, but he was scared to get too close. He was a lot better today, and they were both happy to spend more time together.There are so many healthy things I try to feed Elena Rose, but she's still stuck in her yogurt phase . . . mostly (I'm still sneaking cereal into her yogurt). There are a few things she will eat, like chunks of pineapple, puffs, and some multigrain cookies I just got for her. But then the other day she was staring at my pizza while I was eating it, then she started trying to grab it; when I finished the piece I gave her my crust, and for some reason she loves it. So now she eats pizza crust as well. She likes apple juice now, and she's drinking more from her sippy cup, but she doesn't like to hold it herself.Check out my childproofing skills! Jorge does most of the childproofing, but I put on the stove knob covers and the lock for the oven door. It was super simple, but I'm still proud of it! And as you can see, it was needed! She can actually reach the stove knobs now. And happy Father's Day to my husband and my dad!


  1. You forgot she likes grapes, just not the skin. Amber she is getting so big. It makes me sad to think of all that I have missed. I love her so much and I can't wait to get a car so I can see her more often. I hope Destiny and Elena Rose grow to be very close cousins no matter where we live. The picture of Jorge holding the sippy cup for her is adorable! I just love the way she holds her head up to take a drink.

  2. Happy Father's Day to Jorge!! I laughed at the oven lock, as I didn't even know they made those! tsk tsk on me Sometimes it is amazing how kids survive.

  3. Debbie, that's hilarious! Obviously you've managed to keep them all safe, but with a 5th on the way you might want to look into it! When I have the next one I'm going to have to consult with you since you'll be an expert on caring for a newborn when you have a toddler (or a toddler and 3 young children).
