Sunday, May 26, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

We enjoyed a relaxing Mother's Day. I got beautiful flowers, cards from Jorge and Elena, and a card Elena made at church.

We went to my mother-in-law's house. Jorge's mom, aunt, uncle, cousins, and sister were there. Elena always has fun at Nana's. She likes to run around in the backyard. 

Here she's climbing all over her daddy.


 She's in the air here.

We helped Elena do her first somersaults. She was cracking up.

Samuel is getting so strong! He had fun on the grass. We put a sheet down for him, but one of the dogs, a pug, kept coming over and laying on it. I kept trying to keep her off; everyone else thought it was funny.

Here's Elena with her tia Gloria.

Me enjoying my baby

Samuel passed out. 

Elena is so adorable with Samuel. She loves on him all the time. When she wakes up in the morning and he's in bed, she cuddles up next to him and rubs his head.

Daddy always gets lots of love.

There are lots of difficult and demanding moments, but I love being a mommy.

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