Elena opened her presents in the morning. It's funny because older kids want to open their gifts back to back to see everything they got, but she wanted to play with each toy after she opened it. She got the hang of openings presents with me pretty quickly, and she was just as interested in putting the wrapping paper in the trash bag as she was to see what the actual gift was.

Later on Amy, Savanna, Sabrina, Monique, Mercedes, and Philip and his two kids, Makayla and Caleb, joined us. The little ones had such a blast. Elena didn't mind them playing with her toys at all, and Makayla and Caleb seemed to have a pretty good time in the playroom.

Elena Rose loves when we sing songs with hand motions, so the other day on youtube we found a video of a mom and a little girl singing Jesus Loves Me. Elena absolutely loves the video, and she likes to watch it again, and again, and again. This just started two days ago, but she's been doing the sign for "Jesus" whenever she watches it. It's pretty cute.
We're so thankful to have her.

Merry Christmas everyone!
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