Friday, December 2, 2011


We are thankful for so many things.

I am thankful for having such a silly husband who will dance with his daughter to make her laugh.
And we're thankful for our daughter, who brings joy to every day.Elena's thankful she had her first chocolate chip cookie. And I'm thankful Jorge wasn't there to see it (I can tolerate a lot more messiness than he can).For Thanksgiving we drove up to Santa Maria and visited my family, then spent the next evening with Jorge's family. Here are some pictures of our visit with my niece, Destiny. Elena Rose didn't mind me holding or playing with Destiny at all, she's totally willing to share her mommy!April thought she would be able to get out of this shot . . . she thought wrong!And I'm thankful that since my licensure I have time to do things I enjoy. I recently bought a sewing machine and am learning how to use it. See the monkey pillowcase I made? Not too bad for a beginner! I made two, for Elena's playroom. And we're thankful for many more things, including our home, our jobs, our health, our family, and our friends.

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