Saturday, July 16, 2011

1 Year

Elena Rose is 12 months old! Talk about a busy year . . . but it sure did fly by. I can't believe how fast babies grow, and then all of a sudden they're not babies anymore. Yesterday Jorge and I both took the day off work to spend with the baby. When she woke up in the morning we took her to the living room to see her birthday present, a bouncy horse. She had a really good day and spent most of it playing. She played with her walking toy and her puppets, which she loves now. A lot of people came out today for her birthday party. Friends and family spent the morning and afternoon with us celebrating, and we had a good time. Jorge barbequed. The kids hung out.We visited with Jorge's family.Amy came last night and helped us out this morning. Thanks, Amy!Elena Rose was so cute when we sang happy birthday, she seemed to be in awe! We had to block the wind so the candle wouldn't blow out.Elena Rose slept in this morning so she didn't get her morning nap before the party. She was super sleepy by the end, but she did pretty well considering!We are so thankful for our baby and all the joy she brings into our lives. I can't believe a year has already passed. We are very blessed.

This picture was taken when she was just a few days old. What a tiny little baby she was.

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