Sunday, July 10, 2011

Family Time

I hope everyone had a good 4th of July. We didn't do much, the baby went to bed early. She did get to play in the pool during the afternoon and had fun. Elena Rose likes to drink the water, and at one point got water up her nose, poor thing. But then she started drinking water again . . .Yesterday we went to Santa Maria. My family was participating in the Relay for Life, raising money to fight cancer. I had a lot of fun. Here's Sabrina working their booth, selling raffle tickets and baby blankets. I visited with everyone in the trailer. We had a lot of fun, and the babies got to interact. We had so much fun. Destiny is growing quickly, and Elena Rose really likes to watch her. April held Destiny up to Elena's lap and Elena started to rock. Elena Rose and her great-grandmaCousinsWe got to open the baby's birthday presents from my grandma. She got The New Testament in a beautiful little pink cover that her great-grandma made, a gold cross necklace, and two little outfits.We have less than one week left before her first birthday! I can't believe it.

1 comment:

  1. I had such a great time with you, Jorge, and Elena. I love how Elena Rose is so fascinated by her baby cousin. They already love eachother so much. For two little girls under the age of one they sure talked to eachother a lot! Oh great, they're already starting to gossip! Lol I can already tell Elena is going to make one awesome big sis one day and help you rock the baby to sleep :-)
    I can't wait to see you all on Saturday!
    One more thing... have you shown Jorge the "onions in a can" that had him so confused?! Haha He cracked me up!
