Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Busy Week, with a Busy Baby

Things have been a little hectic over the last week, even though it seems like not much is going on. Maybe it's just that the baby is so active now that she's keeping us on our toes. Now that she's able to crawl all over the place, she's more interested in standing and climbing. She always wants to stand in the bathtub, while I'm leaning over with my hands on her in case she slips or lets go. It's becoming more and more difficult to get ready for work in the mornings because I need to keep her amused while also making sure she doesn't pull herself up to standing then fall, and when she doesn't want to do something, or doesn't want to stop what she's doing, she lets us know. So I think we're just busy trying to keep up with her. I guess this is what it's like once they're mobile and entering the toddler stage. Not much else is going on. Jorge has been working in his new position for a little while now, and he likes it.
Elena Rose turned 10 months old on Sunday. I can't believe it. Here's one of my favorite pictures from when she was a newborn; we were still in the hospital. I like to look at her newborn pictures to remember how different and small she was then.

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