Sunday, May 29, 2011

Ahhh, I Love 3 Day Weekends!

I am so thankful we have a 3 day weekend! We really needed it. Elena Rose is all over the place right now, she keeps me chasing after her all day long. It can be really exhausting. She loves being around the dogs and chasing after them, too. She is growing so super-fast. She's found her favorite food, yogurt, and that's pretty much all she wants to eat now. Yogurt and puffs (not cheerios, but the puffs that disintegrate). She could eat those all day long. And all the veggies and fruit and cereal that she used to eat before? She's not so much a fan now, but I try to get her to eat a little bit each day, to make sure she's getting fiber and iron. Hopefully this phase doesn't last long. She loves her bathtime more and more each day. And around bathtime she'll crawl into the bathroom, so then we start getting her ready. We've got the bedtime routine down now, too. After her bath, I'll brush her teeth and Jorge will love on her and say goodnight. I take her to the nursery with lullaby music and read her a bedtime story in the rocking chair, then nurse her if she's hungry. Now when she's hungry she'll turn around and face me when I'm in the middle of the book, then she'll look and my chest and whine. So then I know she wants to eat. She's so precious.

She's so tall now, and wants to climb everything. She pulls herself up and wants to stand all the time.
Helping mommy do laundry Everybody loves bubbles at bathtime, even Charlie!Jorge, with help, demolished our old, yellowish bathtub today and installed a new, white, porcelain tub. I love it! And it's deeper than our old tub, so it will be way better to soak in. No pictures yet though, because the rest of the bathroom is being ripped apart. I will post pictures of the final product. Amy came to visit today and we had a good time. She was originally going to come yesterday, and I'm soooo glad she came today instead, because we had to stay out of the house a lot since they were tearing everything out, and I knew that napping would be a challenge for the baby. So it was nice to have company and help, and it's been a long time since she came out so we were due for a visit anyway. First we went to church, then got lunch for the guys, then my mother-in-law came for a short visit. After that we ran errands and sat in the car for awhile to let the baby nap, since sleeping in the nursery today wasn't an option. I miss my sister already!

Auntie Amy & Elena RoseNew sunglasses, just in time for summerAnd the weekend's still not over. Tomorrow all 3 of us are going to have lunch at a friend's house (the baby's playmate, Alana), and then Jorge is going to try to tackle one more task in the bathroom, tiling the floor. I can't believe the bathroom is finally getting done! And when I post pictures of the hideous wallpaper that we've tolerated for almost 2 years now, you'll understand why.

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