Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sleep Training

We started sleep training! I still bring her to bed with me when she wakes during the night, but we're helping her learn to fall asleep on her own. We're not working on naps yet, but we'll get there soon. Gotta start somewhere, right? So I've been getting her ready for bed after bathtime, then I sit with her in the rocking chair in the nursery and read her a bedtime story, with the sound machine and her lullaby music on. I like to read her Goodnight Moon because it's super short, all about going to bed, and I use a really soft tone and it seems to relax her. Then I turn off the light with no nightlight so it's almost pitch black, and I nurse her. Then she's super sleepy but not asleep and I give her a pacifier and put her in her crib. (We used to have to swaddle her to move her from the couch to her crib without waking her, especially after we lowered her crib mattress). She loves soft blankets, the fuzzy ones, and always holds them on her face to soothe herself, so after putting her in her crib I hand her a fuzzy blanket and she cuddles with it. The first two nights she held the blanket to her face and passed out, without even a whine. Then last night she was a little more awake and she fussed, but didn't cry. She sat up a few times and I didn't stop her because I didn't want a power struggle, so I would let her sit for a few seconds and fuss, then I would reassure her and lay her on her back and hand her the blanket. After about 5-10 minutes she fell asleep. Then tonight she just cuddled with her blanket and fell asleep right away. Later I will start putting her in there when she's more awake, and also working on it during the day for napping. So I think this is going very well, maybe because we waited awhile to start it.

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