Friday, April 8, 2011

Healthy Again

Our happy girl is back! For the most part anyway. She has been doing well during the daytime and just has a hard time at night. For the last two nights she's woken up between 1 and 3 and cried for an hour or 2. I've been so exhausted my eyes have been hurting! Hopefully we'll get lots of rest this weekend. We're very happy to see her smiling and talking again, it was so hard to see her not feeling well for such a long time. One new development: she's got the army crawl down, always on her elbows. Pretty soon she's going to be all over the place; I have no idea how I'm going to get ready in the mornings. Time for childproofing! Her crib mattress was lowered after we took this picture. She's always pulling her socks off now, we can't seem to keep them on her feet. Having a good time in her pack n play. This doesn't happen very often!

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