Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter

This was Elena Rose’s first Easter. I thought about giving her a basket, but she doesn’t know the difference, so we’re going to wait until next year. We had wanted to put her in a cute little dress, but the weather wasn’t on our side. So she wore a really warm jumper and that was her Easter outfit. We went to church in the morning and they had a really good service. Elena Rose was with us in the auditorium and got a little fussy, so Jorge took her out to the church’s coffeehouse and finished watching the service from there. They have screens in the coffeehouse; it’s a high tech place. While they were in there Elena Rose grabbed Jorge’s cheek and gave him a big kiss. That’s the first time. Other than that, she’s only kissed me and my grandma. She kept kissing him over and over, and did it again when I came out of the auditorium. Now she gives us kisses when we ask for them. She is such an affectionate baby, probably because Jorge and I are both really affectionate with her. She loves hugs, cuddling, kisses, and leaning her forehead on my face. Needless to say, Jorge absolutely melted when he got his kiss. So that was our Easter.

Easter morning

After the church service

Elena Rose also started crawling up on her hands and knees on Saturday. She still does the army crawl too, especially if she gets really excited about something. But the day before Easter while Jorge was getting ready I was standing in the bathroom doorway and I set the baby down on the floor. She automatically started crawling, the right way, and it was the cutest thing in the world. Each time she moved a knee forward it only moved a little bit, and it seemed like she was really concentrating. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want her to stop, so I tugged on Jorge’s arm so he could see. She is really growing so fast. I realize this when I look at pictures of when she was younger. She had so many rolls, and she’s grown so much in length that it’s really stretched her out. She does still have rolls though, she’s a healthy baby!

Something else that’s exciting is that she had her first bath in the actual bathtub! Up to now we bathed her in the infant tub in the sink. She was getting a little big for it, and we wanted her to have space to play, so we finally had a plumber come out and unclog the bathtub drain (after living in this house for almost 2 years; other things took priority), then I gave the tub a really good scrubdown and it was ready. Elena Rose really enjoyed it. She splashed and had a lot of fun. I’m sure that bath time is going to be one of her favorite times of day, and I enjoy seeing her play and have fun, so it’s one of my favorite times, too.

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