Wednesday, September 9, 2015

We Have Ourselves a Kindergartner!

It's crazy to realize that Elena is in kindergarten now. 

We made the decision awhile ago to homeschool, and I'm glad we did. And a cool thing about homeschool is you don't have to wear shoes!



 All of the curriculum we picked is multi-sensory and she's really enjoying it. 

This is for her reading program.

 Here she is doing math.

For history we've been reading books about Native Americans.

The kids built "mat-man" for her handwriting program. She uses these same wood pieces to build the letters on the blue mat. They really liked this activity.

I don't have any pictures of science, but both kids are really enjoying that, too. Right now I'm teaching about Eagles, mainly through library books, and there are coloring pages and videos they've watched about eagles. Samuel can't stop talking about talons and eyries (their nests). When we're doing reading or math, Samuel usually plays at some stations I've set up for him if he's not napping. Once a week, Elena has a Spanish class and a Seasonal Surprises class at the charter school. We're still figuring out how to set a routine since we have stuff going on most mornings, and we occasionally have to take a break because of a fussy baby. But the good thing about kindergarten is that the lessons are short and it doesn't take too much time out of your day.So far it's going well, and I love that it can be so interactive.

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