Friday, August 21, 2015


We've had a good summer. The kids have kept busy and I've kept busy with the baby.

Elena is so loving and she enjoys Adelina so much. It's really precious to watch her.

We celebrated Elena's birthday. I bought this kids camera several months ago and I've had it in my closet, waiting to give it to her on her birthday. She's never showed an interest in having a camera, but I thought she'd have fun with it. Then on her birthday she said, "I want a camera." I was really excited to give her the gift. She loves it!

 We've eaten a lot of frozen yogurt.

 One of the things I love about newborns is the way they stretch. I'm going to miss that.

We had some weird weather. This isn't an area that normally has rain in the summertime, but we did have rain once this summer. It was a good thing because of the drought. The drought's so bad that I said, "Look, Samuel! This is rain!" Both kids loved it. It was neat because normally when it rains here, it's really cold and we stay inside.

I love Elena's drawings. This is a picture of our family. Notice that I'm holding Adelina (there are no arms, but she's about where I hold her). I love how happy we all look.

There's been a lot of snuggling.

It's funny how each kid has a position they prefer. This is how Adelina liked to be held from the beginning. We call it her "gorilla position." She'd be perfectly content and fall asleep.

She's interacting more with everyone around her now.


Samuel and Elena play so well. Almost daily, Samuel will spend a good amount of time in his bed looking at books. They read all the time (Elena can actually read, she's awesome at it). They play doctor, babies, restaurant, and pretty much anything else that crosses their minds.


Summer's almost over and Elena's going to be starting school. Things will become a lot more structured. It seems like there's constant change right now, but it's all good change, and we're happy with it.

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