Monday, August 10, 2015

Adelina is 2 Months!

This precious girl is 2 months old! 

She weighs 10 pounds, 11 ounces. She's in the 33rd percentile for weight and 88th percentile for height. 

She is so special. She cooed at the camera the whole time I was taking her pictures. This is what she looks like when she coos. She puts her little hands under her chin and tilts her head to the side.


She coos far more than the other kids did, and started way earlier. She's very interactive, and especially likes to talk to Elena.  


She doesn't fuss much and is pretty calm and content most of the time. 

She got her immunizations today and it was an experience taking all 3 kids. Elena was teary-eyed after the shots, but Adelina didn't cry for long at all, and Elena got to give her a kiss to help her feel better. 

I'm enjoying every stage so much, I love it. Having a baby is so special and precious.

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