Friday, June 14, 2013

Little Buddies

Elena loves being a big sister. Of course, her hair is pulled occasionally, and when they're both in our bed in the morning Samuel's climbing all over her . . . but she doesn't mind. She wakes up in the morning and cuddles really close to him. When he cries she tries to comfort him or brings him a toy. It's the sweetest thing to watch.

I went in Elena's room with Samuel when her nap time was over. She was just waking up, and she wanted him in the bed with her.

She can always make him laugh. She makes him laugh more than Jorge and I have ever been able to, and it's so easy for her. 

He loves to watch her. Now I nurse him in his room, because if he hears her he wants to see what she's doing. That makes feeding him difficult.

They're together all of the time. 

 Here she's playing peek-a-boo with him.

 Sometimes I pick him up to take him somewhere and Elena says, "Wait, let me love on him!"


 In the bath together

Here he's splashing the water and Elena's saying "Hey, get outta here with that!"

Getting tangled up

He's all over the place now. Seems like he's going to be a climber. He's holding onto things to stand and he's crawling all around. It's so crazy how fast his physical development is going. Definitely an active kid; it's almost impossible to change his diaper.

Babies change so fast, but it seems like Elena is growing just as quickly. She is so witty, funny, and sweet. She wants to do everything by herself. Awhile ago I told her to go potty. Jorge followed her in the bathroom a few seconds later; I didn't go in there because I knew she would want to set the stool down, pull her pants and underwear down, and sit down by herself, with the light off, because she didn't want help. All I heard from the other room was "Daddy, no! Give me privacy!" The other day, mimicking what Jorge did, she put her arms out to me and said, "Come here, my love." That same day she asked me if I want Jesus to bring more babies.

I love being their mommy.


  1. Wow, I was really behind on your blog... Congrats to Amy and her new family! And what a tribute to your wonderful grandma. Elena and Samuel seem like such good friends and playmates. Sorry to hear you are up a lot at night, I have no advice to give. I always just dealt with each stage as it came, because they all outgrow it. Some were good sleepers, some not so much, but they all sleep well now. Best wishes with that, you'll do great! It's nice to hear there are other mothers out there who do things differently than what their parents did, I appreciate your support. Life is challenging enough, and it's more important to be encouraging of all the positive and to let parents make the decisions for their children. You and Jorge are fantastic and have such a beautiful family. I can feel the love in your home from your blog, and your children will always cling to that, no matter what happens.

  2. So sweet, Debbie, thanks for the positivity!
