Friday, June 28, 2013

Gymboree and Frozen Yogurt!

We like to go to Golden Spoon . . . a lot.

Elena likes to eat her frozen yogurt at a fountain, because she likes to throw coins into it afterward.

Gummy bears and sprinkles . . . 

Samuel wants some . . . 

I love her face in this picture. She's jumping. 

We went to Gymboree the same day. Samuel likes to go there. I finally started him in a class; the challenge is keeping him from putting everything in his mouth. 

I'm so glad they enjoy each other.


Big boy

Samuel tries to devour my face. Jorge tells me to enjoy it because he only does it to me. When he really wants me he'll jump into my arms with his mouth wide open, and he goes straight for my face.

I wish they could keep these memories because we have a lot of fun. We'll just have to make a lot more for the times they'll actually remember.

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