Friday, June 28, 2013

Gymboree and Frozen Yogurt!

We like to go to Golden Spoon . . . a lot.

Elena likes to eat her frozen yogurt at a fountain, because she likes to throw coins into it afterward.

Gummy bears and sprinkles . . . 

Samuel wants some . . . 

I love her face in this picture. She's jumping. 

We went to Gymboree the same day. Samuel likes to go there. I finally started him in a class; the challenge is keeping him from putting everything in his mouth. 

I'm so glad they enjoy each other.


Big boy

Samuel tries to devour my face. Jorge tells me to enjoy it because he only does it to me. When he really wants me he'll jump into my arms with his mouth wide open, and he goes straight for my face.

I wish they could keep these memories because we have a lot of fun. We'll just have to make a lot more for the times they'll actually remember.

Fun at Home

I'm home with these little ones a lot. Sometimes it feels like complete chaos, and it seems like toys appear out of nowhere, following behind where I'm picking up. But it's fun and always eventful.

Here Samuel's eating chunks of carrot, his first "finger food." He mostly played with it, and he's still trying to master actually getting the pieces in his mouth.

Elena's always nearby. She's so affectionate toward him. It's not unusual for her to say something like, "Mama, I want to smell him," when I'm picking him up. She needs one last whiff or hug or kiss, then she goes back to what she was doing.

 I have to really watch Samuel closely because he's all over the place.

And he keeps pulling himself up, which drives me crazy because I don't like them to fall on these hard floors.

Elena still loves her baby dolls. Here she's dancing with one. My grandma got it for her when she was still a young infant.

We spend a lot of time in the playroom. Samuel's more distracted there and the floors are softer.

I can't believe how big he is already. He's so strong. Every kid is so different. 

It's getting pretty hot here, so we'll be spending even more time indoors. Hopefully we have some nice days, though, so we can enjoy being outside.

8 Months Old

(This post is a day late due to some technical problems, and because Mommy can't keep track of the date since she stopped working outside the home.)

I am 8 months old!

I weigh 17 pounds, 9 ounces and I'm 29 inches long.

I have one tooth on the bottom, and the second is breaking through my gums at this very moment.

I crawl all over the place and cannot be contained!

If I bite my parents and they react, I cry.

If Daddy is cheering for sports on tv, this may also make me cry.

I pull myself up to stand all the time, but have to remember to hang on so I don't fall.

When my mommy asks where Ginger is, I start looking all around for her.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Daddy and Samuel

It's funny, Samuel's relationship with Jorge is way different than his relationship with me. He loves and enjoys us both, but it's still different. He loves playing with his daddy.

He's a happy little baby.

And curious

They have a lot of fun.

This age is so much fun. He's crawling all over the place and pulling himself up to stand. It makes me nervous because I worry about him falling on the tile, but he's doing great and doing more each day.

Feels Like Summer

We've had some pretty hot days over here. Pretty soon every day is going to be hot. I'm not looking forward to the really intense heat we get, but we're enjoying the end of spring.

We have lizards all over our backyard.

We hung a swing in our backyard. It put Samuel right to sleep. 


Jorge has been working hard on the house. He put up 5 fans. This house only had two lights in the ceilings, both in hallways. We had an electrician come out awhile ago, but it took some time to get the fans and put them up because when Jorge is home, we try to get as much family time in as possible. And he needs some rest.

Putting up fans is no fun, but he did it.  

Elena tried to put them up just like her daddy.

And now we have fans! I know it doesn't seem like a big deal, but it gets so hot here and it makes such a big difference to have the fans circulating the air. I love them.

 Elena picked hers out on a shopping trip with Jorge.

And this little guy. He's all over the place.

He's very curious, and once he gets his mind set on getting to something, there's no distracting him.