Sunday, September 23, 2012

Baby Shower

It's hard to believe that this pregnancy has gone by so quickly. I had a small baby shower with my family this weekend. Amy made gorgeous little treats, as always.

Elena helped her cut the cake.

And Elena didn't mind that the presents weren't for her.


Here's Mercedes pinning the bottle on the baby. She did pretty well with the games. She was the closest at guessing my belly measurement. Just like last time, everybody's measuring strips were too long. But Mercedes put a lot of thought into it and she was only about half an inch off.

Elena had a tea party with my dad. She was making him food for a long time. 



And she played with her cousin Destiny.

Isn't Elena's dress adorable? Unfortunately she had a big diaper explosion after the shower that led to me visiting my grandma with a toddler in nothing but a diaper, and she was like that for the whole ride home. She didn't mind, though, she loves to wear only a diaper. Every time I'm getting her dressed and I take off her pajamas she says "Elena naked!" Luckily she hasn't gone through a stage where she strips down and wears only a diaper whether we like it or not.

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