Friday, September 28, 2012

No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed!

Elena had fun tonight.


We baked cookies today. I love chocolate chip cookies, and I've been waiting for the weather to cool down to use the oven. I finally just gave in today because I wanted some.


Gotta love the hair!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Baby Shower

It's hard to believe that this pregnancy has gone by so quickly. I had a small baby shower with my family this weekend. Amy made gorgeous little treats, as always.

Elena helped her cut the cake.

And Elena didn't mind that the presents weren't for her.


Here's Mercedes pinning the bottle on the baby. She did pretty well with the games. She was the closest at guessing my belly measurement. Just like last time, everybody's measuring strips were too long. But Mercedes put a lot of thought into it and she was only about half an inch off.

Elena had a tea party with my dad. She was making him food for a long time. 



And she played with her cousin Destiny.

Isn't Elena's dress adorable? Unfortunately she had a big diaper explosion after the shower that led to me visiting my grandma with a toddler in nothing but a diaper, and she was like that for the whole ride home. She didn't mind, though, she loves to wear only a diaper. Every time I'm getting her dressed and I take off her pajamas she says "Elena naked!" Luckily she hasn't gone through a stage where she strips down and wears only a diaper whether we like it or not.

In Preparation for Baby

Have I mentioned we have a lot to do before our son arrives???

The pressure is on, and we're really feeling it. There's no way we'll get all of the stuff done that I would have liked before he gets here, and at the same time I'm wishing he comes just a little early because I'm already feeling a lot of discomfort.

Anyway, Jorge has been working on the bathtub surround all week (for the guest bathroom). Here's a picture of where he was at a couple of days ago. I'll post pictures of the bathroom once we get the toilet, vanity, and the accessories in.

Here's a picture of what will soon be Elena's new room, after we removed everything from it (it's been our storage room up to now). Pretty bad, right? But it's going to look really beautiful when we're done with it.


The second half of the year is pretty full for us. Elena's birthday is in July, mine is in August, and our wedding anniversary and Jorge's birthday are in September. And our next baby's birthday will likely be in October. (Honestly, I don't know how I could go past my due date; I feel like I'm about to pop!) Then, of course, there's Thanksgiving and Christmas. Busy. It makes the second half of the year a lot of fun, though, and full of celebrations. This year Jorge and I didn't do too much for our birthdays. We wanted to go to the lake on my birthday, but when we got there we found out that the swimming area of the lake is closed on Mondays, so we went to the pool instead. Elena had a blast, though. We had a lot of fun.

Jorge took a whole week off of work to continue working on the bathroom, so he was working hard all day on his birthday. But we did go out to dinner to celebrate, and then our neighbors surprised him with a cake at night. It was a good end to a long day.

Nothing too exciting because we are under the gun right now to do a lot in preparation for our little boy, but we really do have a lot to celebrate this year and we are extremely thankful.

Swimming and Playing and Growing

Jorge got to watch Elena and me in her swim class again.


We're going to have to change to a Saturday swim class since the baby's coming soon and I won't be able to get in with her during week.

We made this concoction that I found on Pinterest, just cornstarch and water, and it's the oddest thing. It's solid when you're rough with it, and liquid when you're really gentle. So weird. It kept her amused for an entire hour. She calls it "goop."


I can't believe how big my little girl is.


And she loves her daddy.