Monday, July 16, 2012

Happy Birthday, Dear Elena

(I added a few pictures)
I can't believe that my baby is two! Wow. Where does the time go? She had a really good day. 

And I have to say that experiencing her birthday with her is way more exciting than my own birthdays ever were for me.

She woke up to balloons hanging over her head.

And decorations in the living room.

She understood that today was special.

We went to Build a Bear and she picked out a piggy. Here she is stepping on the pedal so that the stuffing would go inside.

She really likes her piggy, and she played with it throughout the day, hugging it during her nap.

She also rode a carousel and a little train before her nap.

After her nap we went to my mother-in-law's house (Originally I had hoped to be able to have a birthday party at our house, but because of the work we're doing on it, it just wasn't possible, so we planned to just have a little celebration when we realized there was no way to finish in time). She's really into the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse characters right now, so I made Minnie Mouse cupcakes.
Elena doesn't really like sweets, so she didn't even want to eat her cupcake. That's okay, though; Jorge and I took care of it.

She did eat one of the Oreo ears.

She likes trains a lot, too, so she loved her "choo-choo."

And her cousin Dominic liked it, too.

She had fun playing with her train, a new doll stroller, her piggy, and my mother-in-law's dogs. 

After reading to her at bedtime I sang "Happy Birthday" to her. Then she said "more birthday?" So I sang it again. I must have sang it to her 10 times because she kept asking. Then I told her that I would sing it just one more time, and that then I was going to turn off the light.

A couple of weeks ago we had an early celebration at my grandma's. Here's a few pictures of that day and the awesome cake Amy made for her. 

She is so sweet, and she will always be my baby.

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