Saturday, June 16, 2012

The farm

We went to a farm today. There was a lot for Elena to do. We bought fresh strawberries, nectarines, and beets.

Elena Rose had her first pony ride. She liked it a lot, and I wasn't sure she would get on because parents can't go in and the worker had to pick her up and strap her in. But she did fine, and she went on the same pony twice. She looked so big while she was riding.


Big haystack


In the petting zoo, but not doing much petting . . .

She likes to run down hills for us to catch her


She had a really good time

The other day I put pictures in a photo album for her and she really liked it. She was quiet so I went into the playroom and this is what I saw

She likes to pretend that she's sleeping now . . .

And she likes to play in her crib

When bedtime is getting close she likes to get in our bed with us and play for awhile, until it's time to go to sleep. She's been doing this every night.


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