Sunday, June 10, 2012

Drawing, Baking, Painting, and Owies

Wow, time is really flying by. On Tuesday I will already be halfway through this pregnancy. That's hard to believe. I'm definitely feeling stronger kicks from him now (yes, it's a "him" for sure), and having to find different sleep positions because of my growing belly. I have to say, though, I feel great. It was the same last time; once I got through the first trimester, I felt really good. I have more energy and no nausea, which makes me a happy mommy. My biggest challenge during pregnancy is hydration . . . I never drink enough water, and I try to drink more when I'm pregnant, but this is sooooo difficult for me.

Here I am getting ready for Elena's swim class, belly protruding.

One big change for us is that we went from three cars to two. We got rid of my Versa and Jorge's convertible, and we got a Prius. It's kind of funny because once Jorge got the idea to get this Prius wagon, I just said, yeah, that sounds good. Then the next day he was at the dealership getting a new car. I met him there to sign the finishing paperwork, not even knowing what the car looked like or what it would be like to drive. After everything was done, one of the workers took me on a test drive. I love it. It does take getting used to, and a lot of the time it's completely silent and you can't tell it's even on. There's a lot more space, power windows and locks (I know, everybody has these, but the Versa didn't because I didn't want to pay more for them), and it's very comfortable . . . a good family car. And the minimal gas consumption is amazing; I still have over 300 miles left on this tank after a week of driving.

Elena was drawing the other day and we noticed that she was holding her marker really carefully. I think her fine motor skills are being fine-tuned. She concentrates on tiny marks that she wants to make, instead of just scribbling.

She also enjoys putting coins in her piggy bank . . . I try lots of things to keep her amused when we're at home.

We also made pumpkin bread (which I call "cake"); she helped.


And we visit her old babysitter Janice, and Janice's granddaughter Ellie. They have fun together. They like to get in the crib and jump.

She's enjoying painting lately, with sponges and brushes.

Today she got her first real scrape on the knee. It wasn't a bloody mess, just a scuff, the kind that burns. So I put some Neosporin with pain relief on it and a band-aid, but that wasn't enough. She cried for a long time, and for a few hours she refused to walk at all and wanted to be carried everywhere. That was a rough time for all of us, including my back. But after lunch she played on the grass and it was better.

Elena wants me near her all the time. It's not as noticeable during the weekdays when Jorge is at work, but other times it's obvious. She makes it clear that she doesn't want me leaving her anywhere . . . which is why we took her to our ultrasound appointment last week, despite a letter I got in the mail explaining the appointment and that children would not be allowed in. We figured that if they wouldn't let her in, Jorge would wait with her outside. It turned out they didn't care so she came in with us. But for the time being, we're not going anywhere without her. I really don't mind because it's such a short time that her whole world will revolve around me, so I try to just enjoy it while I can. I ask her if she's my little buddy and she says yes.

1 comment:

  1. She is too precious!! Love that pic with the stroller!
