Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I put in my resignation at work today. My last day of work will be March 2nd. It was difficult to tell everybody since I've enjoyed working there, but they seemed to be really happy for me. And I'm excited to be able to stay at home with Elena Rose.

I feel so blessed to have this opportunity, and I feel really blessed to have a husband who sacrifices to make it a reality. Not only does Jorge have a challenging job supervising clinicians at a probation camp, but a few nights each week after work, he works as a children's therapist for a mental health agency. Then on the weekends he usually has something he's working on for the house. Needless to say, between all of that work and spending time with me and Elena Rose, he's super busy. But he always finds time to show us that he loves us. He's awesome, and I love him.

There are a lot of changes I want to make now that I'll be staying at home. My New Year's resolution is to cook more, and I definitely want to implement this. I haven't cooked much since having Elena.

I've been working on improving my patience, and I want to continue this. Elena's at the age now where she does the exact opposite of what she's told, just for the sake of it. And she usually looks at me and smiles while she does it. I'm a very calm person, but not exactly a patient one. So I'm working on this so that I can be the best mommy I can be; she deserves that.

I also want to take better care of myself. Sometimes I fix her lunch and I'm so concerned about what she'll be eating that after I feed her I realize I haven't even thought of feeding myself. It's amazing how much things change after having a baby.

I want to have playdates so she's around other children more, and I want her to have more outside play since the play area in the backyard is almost done. The park is close, so we'll be able to go there a lot, too.

The last major thing I want to accomplish is getting a lot done during the day so that the evenings and weekends all family time, and we can just focus on being together. That'll be nice.

She finally has her area set up in the backyard. We still need to paint, but it's pretty much done. Now the rest of the backyard needs to follow . . .

Her playhouse is surrounded by recycled rubber.

We planted flowers for her. Now we just have to teach her not to pull them out . . . Amy visited yesterday, and Elena enjoyed visiting with her.I've enjoyed my work, and while I'll be sad to stop working with my friends, I think it will be an easy transition for me. Here's why

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome playhouse for Elena! Have a wonderful last month of work. Excited for you and your family to have more family time together. I'm sure you'll love it.
