Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love, Love, Love

Happy Valentine's Day! It's felt a little hectic over here; Jorge has been working a lot, and I've been really busy at work. But life is good! I have a husband and daughter who I adore.

Here are some details I wanted to highlight from the last couple of weeks.

She likes to dip her chicken in ketchup now . . . she loves ketchup.
She also eats a lot of blueberries, which makes me happy. And she still loves her baby dolls. She likes to climb inside the ball hamper to play, and she took one of her dolls in there and pretended to feed her.
She's more into the pull-toys now.I made her little birds with a nest. She was too young to help, but she likes her little birds. (I found the directions here)Bed hair
I put a little apron on her for the first time and she wore it all day, even under her sweater. She likes the pockets.
This is what our bed looks like in the morning.I kiss her all the time.
For Valentine's Day I made a heart potato stamp for her to paint with. She smeared more than she stamped, but it kept her amused for a little while. It took a little while for her to start using words, but now she mimics a lot of the words we say. My favorite so far is "dog." She says "oooh" all the time, when something happens or to mean "uh oh," and she keeps her mouth in the "O" shape for a few seconds. When I ask her how much I love her she puts her arms out. Today we were listening to children's music online and the song said, "If you're happy and you know it, wink your eyes," and she started closing her eyes really tight and then opening them, and it took me a few seconds to realize she knew what they were saying. I showed her how to wink her eyes once when we heard the song, and I was surprised that she remembered. The song she's enjoying the most right now is "Wheels on the Bus," because she likes to do the hand motions.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amber it is Sharon my mom told me about this thinking it was your email address. I wanted to invite you guys to Georgina's first birthday March 3rd. It is Yo Gabba Gabba themed. My email is Sharon.gordillo@gmail.com if you can email me so I can send yo the official evite. By theway Elena is getting so big I would love to go and see her with the kids next time my mom visits you guys on a weekend if thats ok
