Monday, February 21, 2011

Sitting Up

Elena Rose is getting a lot stronger in her core. She can sit up with support, but needs help sitting back up when she starts to melt into the floor around her. She really doesn't like to be on her back anymore. We sit her up in the corner of the couch, usually sitting in the middle of the Boppy pillow to stabilize her. She seems happier now that she has more control over her body and can reach for things better. Now when I bathe her, still in her infant tub in the sink, she's sitting up through most of it, and then I just lay her down to rinse out her hair at the end.

When I lay her down to rinse the soap out of her hair she immediately goes into a crunch with her feet in the air, attempting to sit up. I try to do this part very fast.

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