Monday, February 21, 2011

Everyday Things

While I was bathing Elena Rose, Jorge put his beanie on to run an errand (it was cold outside). He walked by the sink and the baby started crying. When he realized it he took the beanie off and walked up to her smiling and said "It's just Daddy!" She stopped crying and went back to playing in the water. After she was dressed in her pajamas I put the beanie on her for fun and took this picture. You'll notice that she's wearing a bib; that's because recently she learned to stick her tongue out and blow. When she does this enough times, her chest gets all wet, hence the bib.

Here she's chewing her giraffe teething toy. This is the only toy that she really gnaws on when she wants the pressure on her gums. Speaking of which, she cut her first tooth Saturday! We didn't even know it. I thought we would be well aware because of fussiness, fever, white spots in her gums, etc., but we had no idea. She seemed pretty normal, maybe a little fussy, but nothing out of the ordinary. Jorge found it by accident because she grabbed his finger and started chewing on it. You still can't really see it, but you can definitely feel it! Way rougher than her cute little gums.

She loves her Elmo puppet. We're really good about not buying her toys. We've been blessed and friends have given us so many toys so we haven't had to. But when we were walking through Buy Buy Baby I played with the puppet while she was in her stroller, just to keep her amused while we shopped, and she really liked it. So we bought Elmo, and I'm really glad that she still enjoys him.

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