Saturday, May 7, 2016

Adelina, the Last 4 Months!

Since I haven't updated the blog recently, these are the last 4 months with Adelina!

7 Months Old

8 Months Old
This is the month Adelina started crawling!

9 Months Old
She got her first 3 teeth this month! And she stopped nursing; I've been pumping ever since. She's very active, and really wanted to explore (especially with the sticker!), so these are the best pictures I could get that day!

10 Months Old
She's starting to stand and now points and grunts at things, and absolutely loves books. The bookshelves in her room are empty because she will not go to sleep if there's a book in them. Again, the sticker didn't last long when I was taking her picture! 

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