Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Adelina is a curious, active, happy baby.

And the joy is her eyes is contagious!

Samuel and Elena have their little spats, but they are good friends and play together all the time. We've been working on our front yard. Here Samuel was enjoying a rose.

They created their own little garden area in the middle of the lawn. They put a lot of effort into it.

Adelina and I enjoyed the day while the kids played.

We went to an air show in Lancaster. They kids had so much fun, I'm so glad we went! Samuel loved the airplanes.

Can you tell he's an airplane?

They ran and ran around us.

She's such a little lady.

Elena's been loving her art class. She is quite an artist, I love seeing her completed work.

For homeschool the kids built little cars that were powered forward by a deflating balloon. It was pretty fun.

This is from an egg hunt right before Easter.

We get together with our homeschool meet up group regularly, a lot of times at this nature area.

More art activities! Elena enjoys copying books, both the text and pictures. She's pretty craft and spends a good amount of time drawing at the table. I got her a step-by-step drawing book and she's been drawing some awesome pictures.

Monday, May 30, 2016


Playtime, that's all.


I've got a lot of catching up to do on here, so here it goes! We've been keeping busy over here with homeschooling and the daily tasks that go into managing a family of 5. At night I think about how busy the day seemed, but most of the day is spent doing menial tasks that don't seem to matter much. But then there are moments I hear my kids laughing, or they come up to give me big hugs, and that is important. 

These pictures are from December and January. 

Visiting Nana. 

Samuel had fun riding Georgina's bike. He got his own bike soon after. Before this we'd had a tricycle and he had a balance bike, but he didn't really spend much time on them. 

I love this picture of Elena with her Daddy.

What an awesome daddy these kids have. Here's Jorge painting Elena's toenails.

Elena couldn't be any more girly. She likes pink and sparkles and ballet and princesses . . . I love how Jorge will engage with her in her interests even though he has no interest in them at all.

And this little girl . . . brings a smile to my face.

This is one of those precious moments that are important. I love finding these two hanging out with each other, cuddling in one of their beds. Often Elena will be reading to Samuel and it's so sweet.

Just like my first two, this baby likes being with Mama,

Building with Legos.

This is from a tinkering crate Elena gets monthly. She built this grabber to play a game.

More smiles from Adelina. She is a happy baby.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Adelina, the Last 4 Months!

Since I haven't updated the blog recently, these are the last 4 months with Adelina!

7 Months Old

8 Months Old
This is the month Adelina started crawling!

9 Months Old
She got her first 3 teeth this month! And she stopped nursing; I've been pumping ever since. She's very active, and really wanted to explore (especially with the sticker!), so these are the best pictures I could get that day!

10 Months Old
She's starting to stand and now points and grunts at things, and absolutely loves books. The bookshelves in her room are empty because she will not go to sleep if there's a book in them. Again, the sticker didn't last long when I was taking her picture!