Friday, December 11, 2015

Some Catch-up!

This is a hodgepodge of photos I've taken over the last couple of months. Between caring for 3 kids, homeschooling, and trying to cook and clean, I've fallen behind on going through my photos. So here's a little catch-up. 

Samuel absolutely loves books, and spends a good amount of time looking at them.


Cuddles with Daddy.

Visiting with Nana. Samuel was going through a phase where he couldn't stand his hair touching his face, so he wore a headband for several days. I can't cut his hair, I love it too much. He got over it, but now he's constantly running his hands through it. 

In the morning, though, he has major bedhair. 

 More cuddles!


Building with straws and washi tape.

We take advantage of nice weather! This day the kids played on their scooters and bikes.  

And they played with a stomp rocket. That thing is so much fun. 

In this picture, Samuel has his "baby" in his tummy.

Elena is an excellent reader, and often reads books to Samuel. 

And she's getting stronger! Pretty soon she'll start scooting. 

And she loves her feet. I love bathtub pictures!

And now we're all caught up!

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