Monday, October 26, 2015


Homeschooling is going really well. I love that the lessons are super short, we can make things fun to learn, and most of the day is spent playing or doing artwork. Everything is really hands-on. 

Here Elena's doing her writing lesson. She's actually tracing the chalk with a little wet sponge.

And the way the math is taught makes more sense than the way I learned it. It really teaches them how everything works.


Samuel plays a lot while we do lessons. Here he's really focused on coloring.


 This is a grocery list Elena wrote. My favorite is "tumado."

Here we measuring pumpkins' height, weight, and circumference and compared them. 

We did a lot of activities for our science unit on penguins. The kids loved it, and both could tell you a lot of information about them. 

Samuel actually matched all of these plastic penguin figures with their pictures by himself.

And we measured the kids and then compared their heights to different types of penguins. Did you know that the emperor penguins are about Elena's height? I had no idea.

We've also been doing a lot of artwork, which the kids love.


And Elena colors on her own pretty much every day.  


We're figuring out together how to make homeschooling work well, and I think we're finally finding our groove.

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