Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Beginning of Fall

I've been falling so behind on here, but here's a big catch-up. 

Elena got her first hair cut at a salon. She got a pretty braid so she could look like Rapunzel.


Elena got her first bike. She loves it, although we had a lot of hot days and didn't go out to ride it. Samuel got a scooter. We love the paseos in our neighborhood, they're perfect for riding.

We've had lots of park days lately, meeting up with other homeschooled kids. Elena can finally pump her legs on the swing, I just have to give her one push to start.

One day I got a flat tire. It was a little frustrating because the kids and I were on the way to meet Jorge at a park, but it was a good lesson on thankfulness. Samuel and Elena both had positive attitudes about the whole situation, and we were very thankful that the flat tired happened in a place right next to a duck pond. So we parked, waited for Jorge, then went for a walk to see the ducks and run around.

By the time the spare tire was on the van we were really hungry so we went to eat.

Samuel is so tall and slender. 

Jorge and Elena went to a daddy daughter country dance for homeschoolers.

Samuel loves playing with the choo-choo train. 

And he loves reading books. After having a book read to him a few times he'll have at least a few parts memorized. Then he starts "reading" it himself. He's pretty awesome. 

It's hard to keep up with everything right now. Elena's been ill, Samuel's a typical toddler, and I'm taking care of Adelina, all while trying to figure out how to homeschool and keep the house from looking like a disaster area at the same time. Some days are better than others, but we always manage to have some good times.

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