Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Last Few Weeks

Here are some snippets of the last few weeks.

Bath time!

Cuddles with Daddy

Have I mentioned how thankful I am that Jorge is the father of my children? He shows them so much love, plays with them, takes care of them, takes them with him when he runs errands, and reads to them. He takes the kids out for "dates" so they have one-on-one time with him, and usually puts Samuel to bed, and sometimes Elena, too. He's as hands on as they come. And I love him.

I think baby frowns are ridiculously adorable. And the frown here only lasted a split second, so I lucked out getting a picture of it.

Kids hard at play.

Elena has to be the best big sister ever. She's sweet. She reads to Samuel, cuddles with him, and tries to help him feel better when he's upset.

 And she adores Adelina.

Adelina likes to sleep in the swing.


Some pictures with my babies.


Time is flying over here!

3 Months!

Adelina is 3 months old today! Time really flies. We're officially out of the newborn stage, and this is the first time that's made me sad. She's grown so much.

She's very social. She makes a lot of eye contact and coos at us.

She has a full range of emotions.


She's a good sleeper and a pretty happy baby. She loves her sister, and talks to her more than anybody else. She doesn't like to be alone, and is pretty content whenever family is nearby.


With all of the posts of the baby, and Elena starting kindergarten, I thought Samuel deserved his own. Because he's pretty awesome.

He has such a sweet, kind heart. He always wants to look at books. He usually has about 3 that he wants to read every day. Right now his favorites are "Are You Quite Polite?" (a book with songs redone with silly lyrics), and "Actual Size." He loves to grab a few and get in the extra twin bed in Elena's room that will eventually be his. Then he'll just sit there and look at his books.


 He likes the magnet tiles, blocks, and marble run.

 He found a bag of pom poms and he decided to build snowmen.

He's such a sweet kid. He loves playing with his big sister, and when she had her first day of class at the charter school, he kept asking for her.

And he loves his daddy. Jorge got home from work the other day and Samuel, who was in the other room, yelled out, "Daddy's home! Go love on him!"

And the hair . . . I just love his hair.

He is precious.

We Have Ourselves a Kindergartner!

It's crazy to realize that Elena is in kindergarten now. 

We made the decision awhile ago to homeschool, and I'm glad we did. And a cool thing about homeschool is you don't have to wear shoes!



 All of the curriculum we picked is multi-sensory and she's really enjoying it. 

This is for her reading program.

 Here she is doing math.

For history we've been reading books about Native Americans.

The kids built "mat-man" for her handwriting program. She uses these same wood pieces to build the letters on the blue mat. They really liked this activity.

I don't have any pictures of science, but both kids are really enjoying that, too. Right now I'm teaching about Eagles, mainly through library books, and there are coloring pages and videos they've watched about eagles. Samuel can't stop talking about talons and eyries (their nests). When we're doing reading or math, Samuel usually plays at some stations I've set up for him if he's not napping. Once a week, Elena has a Spanish class and a Seasonal Surprises class at the charter school. We're still figuring out how to set a routine since we have stuff going on most mornings, and we occasionally have to take a break because of a fussy baby. But the good thing about kindergarten is that the lessons are short and it doesn't take too much time out of your day.So far it's going well, and I love that it can be so interactive.