Friday, May 29, 2015

Pre-K Graduation

This cutie graduated from preschool today. Where does the time go?

Here she is with her awesome teachers.

They did the pledge of allegiance, some cute songs, and then got their little diplomas. You can see the picture Elena painted of herself behind her.

Our little graduate.

She made a book called "When I grow up." Here's what it says:

"When I grow up, I want to be a mom that goes to school and teaches people. I will make a lot of money and make milk for the baby."
(That's my favorite part!)
Here's the picture she drew for that page. Notice the little baby she's holding.


It goes on to say, "I will get married and have 3 kids. I will wear my mom's wedding dress."
"I will live in a house with hay for a bed."
"I will drive a van. My husband will drive a van too."
"I will go on vacation to Disneyland because I love the Cars ride."

I love reading those kinds of things. Kids are so funny.

Here's Elena with a friend from her class.

 The kids enjoyed the cupcakes afterward.

 And Elena enjoyed having the gown to dress Samuel up in later.

I can't believe she's done with preschool! We have a kindergartener on our hands!

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