Friday, May 29, 2015

Catch-up for May

I can't believe it's almost June. The baby will be here before we know it, and we're all really excited to meet our new addition. A lot went on in May. Here are some of the things I managed to get pictures of.

(This picture was actually taken at the end of April)

I just took these tonight . . . kids loving on my baby belly. I took the shots from above.


 Mother's day was special. 


I like how Elena put that I work at "the dishes at home." She's right, I spend a lot of time at the sink.



Our garden's looking good, I've put in a lot of flowers and our plants have taken off. My favorite things that we've added, though, are our blueberry bushes.

They're starting to ripen, and they're delicious.

Yesterday we were able to pick a lot of them. Elena and I gobbled them up pretty quickly; Samuel won't try them.

Samuel's slowly entering into potty-training. He can go in the toilet, but then seems to go a tiny bit at a time, so we end up making numerous trips in an hour to the bathroom. He'll catch on eventually. Isn't the hair adorable, though? That's what he looks like in the mornings.

Samuel likes to play with Jorge's phone, even though there's no game open, just a screen asking for him to enter a code to unlock. The phone usually gets locked for awhile after Samuel's had it and entered incorrect codes.

 The kids love playing in the sandbox.

Late night activities. Samuel's always in the best mood at night when he should be winding down. He's all energy and laughter.

Elena's such a daddy's girl. She's always asking when Jorge will be home, talking about how much she misses him, and then she just wants to snuggle with him. She asks him to take her on dates on the weekends. She loves having quality time with her daddy.

Samuel's into superheroes now, even though he hasn't watched any of the shows or movies. But he has seen the opening song for the 1960's spiderman. He loves the characters.

I can't believe that in less than a month (most likely), we'll have a new member in our family. Each pregnancy seems to be a little harder than the last. She's really low in my belly, which is uncomfortable at times, and really painful at others. But I've had no complications so that's been great. I know Elena's going to love having a baby around, and she'll be a big help. We're pretty close to the waiting game!

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