Friday, December 11, 2015

6 Months

I can't believe Adelina was born 6 months ago! It's amazing how fast time passes and how quickly they grow. 

She is so loveable, so precious, so happy, and so expressive.

She loves to interact with her brother and sister.

 She likes to be in my arms.

She's usually smiling.

And she finally had her first taste of solid food! I steamed and pureed some carrots for her.

She actually seemed to like it.

She did well. She didn't spit it out and ate a good amount for a first feeding. And Jorge really enjoyed feeding her. I haven't pumped any milk since having her, so this was his very first time feeding her in any way.

Art and Tinkering

The kids color do some kind of art daily.

Elena's in an art class and she loves it.

We love this octopus; it's in a frame ready to go up on the wall!

Here they're building. 

Elena and I were trying to figure out for awhile how to build a swing, and we finally got it. 

This "castle" was out for several days and they played with it constantly. I love how creative kids can be.

Some Catch-up!

This is a hodgepodge of photos I've taken over the last couple of months. Between caring for 3 kids, homeschooling, and trying to cook and clean, I've fallen behind on going through my photos. So here's a little catch-up. 

Samuel absolutely loves books, and spends a good amount of time looking at them.


Cuddles with Daddy.

Visiting with Nana. Samuel was going through a phase where he couldn't stand his hair touching his face, so he wore a headband for several days. I can't cut his hair, I love it too much. He got over it, but now he's constantly running his hands through it. 

In the morning, though, he has major bedhair. 

 More cuddles!


Building with straws and washi tape.

We take advantage of nice weather! This day the kids played on their scooters and bikes.  

And they played with a stomp rocket. That thing is so much fun. 

In this picture, Samuel has his "baby" in his tummy.

Elena is an excellent reader, and often reads books to Samuel. 

And she's getting stronger! Pretty soon she'll start scooting. 

And she loves her feet. I love bathtub pictures!

And now we're all caught up!

Adelina is 5 Months!

This precious little thing turned 5 months on November 9th. I'm posting this late, but took these pictures that day.

She is a sweetie. She likes to cuddle, and suddenly got super interested in everything going on around her. She is a very observant baby.

She can turn over and is starting to get more core strength when on her tummy. She likes to suck on her toes.

And she sure loves her sister. 


We didn't take a lot of pictures on Halloween. I've been taking a lot less pictures lately; it's just hard sometimes to juggle a camera and a baby, or to even remember to get the camera out.

Amy came to visit and went trick or treating with us. We skipped the door-to-door thing altogether this year, mainly because the trunk-or-treat events are more geared toward younger kids, and you don't really have to worry about scary decorations.

Elena wanted me to be a princess, so I got a Snow White costume.

I didn't bother dressing up Adelina, poor thing, but you can see she pretty much slept through it.

And Samuel was the Hulk. I loved the muscles on him!

The kids loved spending time with Amy, and Elena cried when she left. Luckily, they had candy that night and then pretty much forgot about it.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Samuel Turned 3!

This little guy turned 3! The day before his birthday, Jorge took him and Elena to see a play of Winnie the Pooh. Then on his birthday we went to the Discovery Cube museum to celebrate, and had cupcakes and gifts later at home.

The kids had so much fun that day. They played for a long time at the conveyer belt in the Curious George exhibit.

There was a slide, too.

The kids made wind to make everything start turning.


Elena liked pulling herself up with a pulley.


We had cake pops there.

 Then cupcakes at home.

I can't believe he's 3. He has such a personality and challenges me a lot. He's also a super sweet boy and likes lots of love. I'm happy to be his mama.

Friday, October 30, 2015


This little one is very social now. She likes to make eye contact and coo with us, and she likes to be in my arms. She's my little barnacle. Sometimes I put her in a carrier so I can get some things done. 




 She's smiley.


 And she's way more interested in toys now.

Elena put bunny ears on her. 

And that little face. I just want to love on her. 

She's a sweetie pie. And we adore her.