Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Two Birthdays

Obviously this post is overdue. I'm a little behind, mostly because I haven't been feeling well. I'm 9 weeks pregnant right now and it's been difficult to keep up with two toddlers.

Anyway, Samuel's birthday party was the same day as Sabrina's 18th birthday, so we had two special celebrations.

Here's the birthday girl

And me with my birthday boy. We had put his pajama shirt back on for his nap so he wouldn't get too hot, and when Jorge got him up he didn't change him back . . . so he was mismatched for the rest of the day. But that's okay, he's two years old and doesn't care.

My parents came, as well as my nieces, Amy, Philip, and the kids. Elena and Samuel had so much fun.


Samuel really likes Monsters, Inc. so I made some Mike and Sully cupcakes. He liked them.



We sang happy birthday to both of them at the same time. I made Sabrina her own colorful cake.

Samuel had no problem digging in!

It really was a fun, special day with family and I loved being able to celebrate Sabrina's birthday as well. The kids have so much fun visiting with family.

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