Saturday, October 18, 2014


I'm so behind on my posts! Here's what's been going on over here.

Elena's still loving preschool. This is a picture of her from Clifford Day.

They pulled the insides out of a pumpkin at preschool and she brought some slimy seeds home. She liked playing with them.

And Elena's eating a lot better now. She used to not like a lot of stuff, but I've cut a lot of processed foods and she's been eating more vegetables. 


Samuel throws a lot of fits. It's a regular thing over here. Many times when he's not happy he'll throw his bear on the floor, and then cry because it's on the floor. That's what's going on here.

I think here he just wanted "up." He wants up a lot.


And I don't even remember what this one was about. 


Or this one.

But he's not always crying or screaming.

 They like to help out around here.

 Samuel likes putting on other people's shoes now. Here he's in Elena's flip flops.

 And in my tennis shoes.

The kids love when Nana comes to visit.

The kids color together now. A lot.

 And Samuel will sit at the table for a long time by himself coloring.


Here they're playing with kinetic sand together. That stuff is a lot of fun. 

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