Monday, July 21, 2014

Busy Bodies

We've been up to a lot this summer. I've been trying to do more creative activities for Elena. She has fun, and she's able to do a lot more now. 

This was our ivory soap experiment. Ivory soap in the microwave. It's actually really cool.

Samuel finger painting

We made "Frozen" slime. Elena made cookies with it.

We made a pirate ship. She likes "Jake and the Neverland Pirates," so she often says things like, "Yo ho, mateys, away!" and "Oh, coconuts!"

The kids bathed the baby doll

 Elena played with dinosaurs; Samuel wasn't interested for long.

We built a marble run! We used pom poms, though, so Samuel wouldn't choke. He still puts everything in his mouth. I'll be happy when he stops doing that.


Elena wanted to show me how well she can balance. She took some strange positions.

He's my little man.

They made sun catchers

And kinetic sand might be my new favorite thing. It feels awesome! Samuel was totally amused for an hour and a half, and Elena played with it for over 2 hours.

When it's super hot outside we try to find fun stuff to do inside, and I'm trying to keep them busy enough to not want to watch tv as much. Elena asks me every day when she'll be able to start at her new preschool. We decided to change schools for next year (even though the preschool she attended last year was great) because our pastor's wife has her own program that's awesome and more affordable. Elena met her, saw the school, and can't wait. I'm excited for her. She is so social now and loves playing with other kids.

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